This fun jigsaw was created with dumpr.net
Yes dumpr is now one of my favourite new toys as well as clustrmaps(It should be visible on the main page as well).
Our September stars are the Humanities and Spanish departments, who have embarked on an array of blog and wiki journeys in learning. figuring highly in the collaborative work area is the geogon wiki on El Salvador, belonging to thte 7th and 8th grade History and Geography classes. This wiki started off as a 7th grade class project which then blossomed into a huge collaborative piece of work spanning two grades, two subjects and shared by many members of the department.
Blogs have featured a great deal in Humanities as well. One teacher has created 2 different blogs for her classes and is having the students reflect on readings, in Spanish and write about slavery as part of her History class. Also on the blogging front, the Spanish and French Departments have been meeting each week to learn how to work on blogs through hands on sessions. One of the Spanish classes now has a blog set up and will begin using it next week to reflect upon their readings in the subject. I will get the links up once they have begun working on it.
Backing up to Humanities once again, in the subject of Economics two 9th grade classes, working on storyboards on economic themes, have begun transferring their ideas over to toondoo. I look forward to posting more about these toondoos later on this week.
We have created a new google site wiki page for the French department and although going is slow (we are still very new to spaces) it looks to be a promising way of sharing the French department with the world. The new LRC website has now been launched using PBWiki and featuring a great Glog as the front page. We hope to work avidily on further updates and modifications throughout the year.
These are our collaborative LRC/subject projects, however there is an amazing amount of additional work being carried out each day at the LRC across the subjects.
The LRC is also playing host to student meetings including student council and project smile. Visiting universities are booked in to speak to students on a weekly basis. Our CIS visitors are due to arrive in the upcoming weeks and some extra- curricular clubs have also begun to run on a regular basis out of the LRC.
El Salvador month has come to an end and with it we hosed a typical handicrafts exhibition and sale on the 29th and 30th, an art display of works by a local Salvadoran artist, as well as 3 drama productions by local groups as part of theatre week.
All in all this month has been aflutter with activity.
The LRC Committee meets for the first time next week to go over the action plan and the Book Week Committee meets this Friday to begin organising this annual whole school event.
It has been an amazing start to the year. Attitudes are positive, the energy level is high and you can feel the sparks flying throughout the day as students and teachers make connections and publish themselves.