While we love our XYZ da Vinci: Duo, 1.0 and Junior Pro, we have recently invested in a collection of CR-10 printers from Creality. These are very versatile machines and fairly simple to operate and maintain. They also use open source software like Repetior Host and Cura and non proprietary filament.
We are also making space to house our new Glowforge Pro laser cutter, which we hope to have up and running in the later half of August.

We are in the process of building up our cooking resources and creating a cooking centre/kitchen area. This project will eventually move to the front of the LRC, once we work out electrical access, shelving and an extractor for the area.
Despite this delay we have set up a provisional are for it outside the ICT/LRC office to facilitate Life Skills group visits, and our LRC Cooking Club which runs each Thursday from 2-3.
During this term, we will be focusing on microwave meals and tasty toaster treats, as we support our senior students in their preparations for University in the fall.