Thursday, 1 September 2022
LRC Induction Lessons
Thursday, 23 June 2022
VR, AR and MR
Over the last few months Mr. Padilla, our Design/ICT Tech teacher has been busily working to prepare and engage students with the Oculus Quest headsets.
Virtual Reality Oculus VR by Jennifer GarcialrcThese headsets all students to explore through augmented, virtual, and mixed reality experiences. Applications for using these devices go far beyond simple gaming and leisure activities and can impact positively across most disciplines including but not inclusive of health, sports and medicine, education and training, design and engineering, history and geography.
During these last two weeks, our students in 9th and 11th computer science and 11th ITGS have had opportunities to explore the technologies used with these devices as well as practical applications through experiential learning in lessons.
Students from across the school also had the opportunity to explore this technology during STEAM Fest 2022 at the Oculus Playground.
Our next steps will be to research novel ways to further merge the digital and physical world through haptic technologies and explore spaces and design through the use of Mozilla Hubs.
Here is the link to our flickr photo gallery for this set of experiences.
Sleeping mats
Sleeping mats

Creemos que tenemos el deber de capacitar a los jóvenes con los valores, cualidades y habilidades para que puedan ser agentes de estos cambios.
Creemos que el desarrollo de este compromiso, unido a estos valores y habilidades se basan en nuestra comunidad de aprendizaje, que fomenta en los jóvenes un fuerte sentido de conciencia y respeto por ellos mismos, los demás y el resto de la sociedad. (Academia Británica Cuscatleca)

Nuestro Club Sleeping Mats, esta conformado por jóvenesque cumplen con las caracteristicas arriba descritas y que estan plenamente comprometidos con el bienestar de los más necesitados. Su motivación en contribuir a mejorar la situación de las personas sin hogar que duermen en las calles en cartones. Así mismo, contribuimos a cuidar el medio ambiente al recolectar bolsas plásticas que de otra manera terminarían en los basureros.
Cada colchoneta está compuesta por más o menos 800 bolsas plásticas, cuidadosamente trenzadas entre sí para proveer una superficie cómoda, que permite almacenar el calor, es duradera y a la vez resistente a la humedad. Se estima que cada una de ellas ha tomado entre 40 y 50 horas para su elaboración, la cual se realiza completamente a mano.
Es un proyecto muy interesante, lleno de muchos valores y conciencienciación ya que a la hora de elaborar cada trenza para formar nuestra manta, a través del trabajo manual los estudiantes reflexionan, comparten experiencias y se mantienen alegres, emocionados y motivados al saber que alguien será beneficiado y tendrá una mejor oportunidad de dormir por las noches.

"Al haber sido parte del proyecto por tantos años, se ha vuelvo una parte muy importante de mis memorias del colegio. Recuerdo que al principio empezamos a hacer la primera mat solamente para presentar un proyecto en el STEAM fest de ese año, pero al ver que tanta gente estaba interesada, decidimos continuar. Desde ese ese momento supimos que este proyecto llegaría muy lejos; y así fue cuando miss Garcia y miss Serrano pudieron entregar una de las mats en Estados Unidos. Nuestro siguiente objetivo fue lograr donar al menos una colchoneta aquí.
Al elaborar tantas mats en estos años logramos motivar a mucha gente para que se nos uniera, lo cual fue una experiencia muy gratificante. Ahora que por fin logramos encontrar a alguien que nos ayude con la donación me pone muy feliz la idea de que al final logramos alcanzar la meta que nos habíamos propuesto hasta ya mucho tiempo y que logramos ayudar a la gente que lo necesitaba.
Espero que este proyecto se mantenga en el colegio durante muchos años, por que es una idea verdaderamente innovadora y que puede ayudar a muchos. Por esta misma razón intentaré llevarme este proyecto en mi universidad y empezar un club ayá. Las experiencias que he tenido al ser parte de este club estarán siempre conmigo."
Los alumnos sintieron una gran satisfacción al ver culminado el trabajo de varios años, al entregar formalmente su trabajo y que este sea finalmente utilizado y apreciado.
Puede ver el álbum de fotografías en éste enlace.
Trabajos citados
Academia Británica Cuscatleca. “ABC Mission and Values.” ABC Portal, 22 June 2020, Accessed 23 June 2022.
Thursday, 9 June 2022
Fast forward two years and a bit, to June 9th the day we took back STEAM Fest, the day we switched from a low-key, online fair to a fairly normal, in-person event.
While this year's STEAM Fest was about half the size of the regular in-person event, it lacked nothing in terms of energy, commitment, creativity and learning. The Auditorium was a buzz as of 7:00 am as set up began all the way until 1pm when the last items were put away, cleanup had taken place and everyone had been fed.
- At 8:20 the event began with a welcome by Mrs. Garcia, an introduction to our keynote speaker by Alexia Aguilar and the keynote speech given by Carlos Valladares, the president of El Salvador's Fab Lab association.
- From 8:30 to 12:20 students from across Primary and Secondary visited the student exhibits as well as the 7 exhibits run by special guests. Students also took part in the various robotics, VR, game development and 3D printing workshops. In total there were 35 different projects exhibitions and workshops to explore.
Special thanks need to go out to Mrs. Serrano for running a tight logistics ship and Alexia Aguilar and her crew for everything they did to make this a success!
If you would like a real taste of the event you can peruse our many wonderful photos on Flickr as well as the ABC Facebook page, where you can also view the live Stream video recordings:
Wednesday, 23 March 2022
Illustrating a Story
En el mes de abril estaremos celebrando la semana del libro y por esta razón la Red de Bibliotecas y Colegios IB hemos realizado el taller: Ilustrando una historia, impartido por Angélica Hernández, encargada de Arte la ABC.
Estuvimos ilustrando el poema “Barrilete” de Claudia Lars y el cuento de “La pileta sin chorro y la canastiada”, del escritor salvadoreño Salvador Salazar Arrué mejor conocido como Salarrué.
Los participantes del taller quedamos fascinados con las técnicas simples de la ilustración básica y dejamos volar nuestra imaginación en donde la historia se convierte en un mundo fantástico y cada uno plasmó su creatividad en lienzos pintados con acuarelas.
La finalidad del taller es lograr que cada uno de los bibliotecarios de las diferentes escuelas que conforman la Red puedan replicar la actividad con la comunidad educativa y de esta forma promover la lectura a través del dibujo y la ilustración.
Más fotos en Flickr
La Academia Británica Cuscatleca en conjunto con la Asociación de Bibliotecarios de El Salvador han unido esfuerzos para ayudar en la formación profesional al gremio bibliotecario del país, a través de la realización de talleres, cursos y conferencias, entre otros.
Como bibliotecarias siempre estamos buscando el desarrollo profesional al igual que compartir buenas prácticas y crear puentes que ayuden al crecimiento de todos nuestros colegas en el país.
We will be celebrating Book Week during the month of April. In anticipation of this celebration, the IB Schools and Libraries Network carried out the workshop: Illustrating a Story, given by Angélica Hernández, Head of Art at the ABC.
During the session, the librarians worked on illustrations of the poem "Barrilete" by Claudia Lars and the story of “La Pileta sin Chorro y la Canastiada”, by Salvadoran writer Salvador Salazar Arrué, better known as Salarrué.
The workshop participants were fascinated by the simple techniques of basic illustration they learned and were able to let their imaginations run wild, to a place where stories become fantastic worlds, each captured through creativity using watercolours on the canvas.
The purpose of the workshop was to ensure that each of the librarians from the different schools that make up the Network can replicate the activity with their educational community during Book Week, and thus promote reading through drawing and illustration.
More photos on Flickr
The Academy Britanica Cuscatleca, together with the Librarians Association of El Salvador have joined forces to help in the professional training of the country's library guild, through workshops, courses and conferences, among others.
As librarians, we value professional development opportunities, as well as the chance to share good practices and create links with our colleagues.
Wednesday, 9 March 2022
Brain Awareness Week 2022!
It was Brain Awareness Week this week! The LRC prepared several activities for the community which we would like to share with you.
This year we celebrated Brain Week with a variety of activities including riddles, physical and mental exercises, as well as a display of our collection of books related to the brain.
Displays were also put up outside of the LRC which sported many brain teasers and challenges. On many occasions, we observed groups of students trying to work them out while on breaks. Student enthusiasm was so contagious that one of our students, Simón Jarma even created his own puzzle which was placed outside the LRC for other students to view and answer.
During the week an additional activity was also carried out in conjunction with the PE Department in which12th grade students participated in a Yoga class. They enjoyed the activity very much and in doing so became more aware of how Yoga helps the mind and body.
The LRC team had the opportunity to interview students who were involved in this activity so that we could all learn more about their experience participating in Yoga during Brain Week. We have included the links to these interviews, the activities as well as our photo gallery below.
Thank you to Mrs. Cecilia Hernández and her team for their support, as well as the participation of everyone else involved.
As always, we cordially invite you to stay tuned to our social networks to stay abreast of the many activities we carry out each week.
LRC Social Media
¡Esta semana fue la Semana de Concientización sobre el Cerebro! El LRC preparó
varias actividades para la comunidad educativa que nos gustaría compartir con ustedes.
Este año 2022 celebramos Brain Week con muchas actividades entre ellas: acertijos,
ejercicios físicos y mentales, nuestro display con la colección de libros
relacionados al cerebro, etc.
Adicionalmente se realizó una actividad en conjunto con el Departamento de PE con
estudiantes de 12th que participaron en la clase de Yoga. Disfrutaron mucho
de la actividad y al hacerlo se volvieron más conscientes de cómo el Yoga ayuda
a la mente y al cuerpo.
El equipo de LRC tuvo la oportunidad de entrevistar a los estudiantes que participaron en esta actividad para que todos pudiéramos aprender más sobre su experiencia participando en Yoga durante la Semana del Cerebro. Hemos incluido los enlaces a estas entrevistas, las actividades y nuestra galería de fotos a continuación.
Agradecemos el apoyo recibido de parte de Mrs. Cecilia Hernández y su equipo
por su apoyo, así como la participación de todos los involucrados.
Como siempre, los invitamos cordialmente a estar atentos a nuestras redes sociales
para estar al tanto de las múltiples actividades que realizamos cada semana.
Saturday, 12 February 2022
Mini Maker STEAM Fest Challenges
Prior to the Christmas Holidays, we launched our Mini Maker STEAM Fest Challenges. This activity marks the first step on the path to STEAM Fest 2022, which will take place later in the school year.
On February 11th, each of these students were asked to visit the LRC, where they received a special, quite unexpected prize and a thank you from the organisers for taking part and for sharing their work. They can now choose whether to use their prizes to explore their favourite books or invest in further STEAM challenges at the Libreria Internacional.
Please do visit the STEAM Fest Mini Maker Challenge page for further details on this activity.
Wednesday, 9 February 2022
Building Empathy
Our 6th-grade students are currently working on an MYP (Middle Years Programme)unit that focuses on three ATLs (Approaches to Learning), one of which is Practicing Collaboration Skills: Practice Empathy.
The unit sets out to teach this ATL across a wide variety of experiences, one of which was a practical activity done these past two weeks.
The Statement of Inquiry for the unit is The creative development of innovative products designed to function for an individual's needs, can help lessen inequalities. Through the inquiry process students will be researching designing, developing and testing their 3D solutions for mobility challenges. It can be difficult for students to understand these challenges if they have never experienced them so we set out to give them a few mobility challenges of their own.
This is what two students had to say about that experience.
"This activity made us see how people with disabilities struggle to do things that for us are not complicated but for them are very challenging. It also made us feel disappointed because sometimes we make jokes about those topics when it is a very serious issue. What we did see was how disabled people lived their normal lives. We did this through some “games” which helped us understand what people felt.
We felt very stressed and frustrated because we couldn't do simple things like write our name or even get a cup. We think that we did this activity because it was going to be fun and to reflect on how people with disabilities live their normal lives. This made us feel guilty because we sometimes complain about little things when people with disabilities wish to have legs, arms or other parts of the human body. We hope you reflect on these issues and think about how people live their lives missing a part of their bodies that make their life complicated.
The question we have to ask you is what would you do if you were them? "
By Gabriel Cañenguez and Adriana Guzmán